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Privacy notice

Privacy statement for people using library services

The Council's Libraries and Community Hubs division provides the public library service in the city. If you visit a library, use the Online catalogue, give us a ring or make a formal complaint – among many other examples – you will be using our service.

As library and information professionals we feel strongly about intellectual freedoms. We are committed to defending and promoting the right to access information, as well as freedom of expression and the right to privacy.

This privacy statement explains what personal information we collect about you when you use the City's Libraries, why we collect it and what we do with it once collected; allowing you to make informed decisions when using your libraries and library services.

What we mean by personal information

By personal information or personal data we mean any piece of information relating to you that either:

  • identifies you directly, for example your name or your library card number;
  • helps identify you when put together with other type of information, for example your age together with the name of your street.

Some of your personal information is classed as "sensitive" and is given further protection by the law. Sensitive personal information includes: your religion, your ethnic origin, your sexual orientation, information about your health.

Your right to data protection

Your right to the protection of your personal data is guaranteed by the United Kingdom Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The Council's Libraries and Community Hubs division set out why we collect your personal data and how it will be handled, as detailed in this statement. Should you need to contact us about our collection and processing of your personal data, we can be reached at

The Data Protection Officer for the City Council can be reached at or by calling 0333 2116500.
You can find information about how the City Council as a whole handles your personal information in the Council's privacy notice.

More information on your rights

You have a right to be informed that your personal information is being used; this is why we have a privacy statement! Data protection laws guarantee you other specific rights regarding the personal data we hold about you.

Click on the links in this section to find out more from the Information Commissioner’s Office website. The Information Commissioner’s Office is the independent agency responsible for monitoring the correct application of data protection laws in the UK.